Sell: Fire Truck | Town of Eaton
Sell: Fire Truck | Town of Eaton
Sell: Fire Truck
The Town of Eaton is selling a 2008 F-350. It is 4×4, single wheel pickup truck with a 6.4 power stroke diesel, six speed manual transmission. It currently has 84,000 miles but the truck is still in service so this will change as it is called out. The minimum bid is $9,500.00. Once awarded possession will be upon arrival of the new truck. All bids are due by February 14. They can be delivered to the Town Office in a sealed envelope with 2008 Fire truck bid wrote on the outside no later than 3:45 pm 2/14/23 or hand delivered on February 14 at 6pm 600 E. Harris Street. If you have any questions please call the Eaton Volunteer Fire Department at 765-396-9468.
Start: January 13
End: February 14
ORGANIZER: Eaton Town Council
Eaton Town Office
107 E Harris Street
Eaton, IN 47338 United States
Phone: 765-396-3980